Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We Are One

This morning I sent a love note to my cousin and his fiance' to welcome her into our family and to wish them each and both congratulations on their commitment to each other. I chose this picture because the tree reminds me of connectedness and that we are all one. I wanted her to feel welcomed by me into the family since I am now the oldest cousin.

I took this picture years ago when I was visiting my parents in South Florida. I was and still am fascinated by the banyan tree that keeps growing up and out putting down roots continually enlarging itself. The tree is a work of art and there is no avoidance of intimacy here. In fact I feel a bit claustrophobic when I think of my family who all except for my mother lives hundreds of miles away. I am curious about this feeling of not having room to breathe. I want to run away from this closeness. And this is the picture that I sent to welcome her. Was I also saying 'beware?'
I think I would like to try living like the banyan who seems to have no fear of not enough-ness. Perhaps knowing that there will always be enough room for me to spread my wings and build my nest, enough love to fill my heart to keep her open, enough attention to feel special so I can enjoy the limelight, enough acceptance of my uniqueness to nurture me and enough time to be alone to nurture my soul that loves silence.
My name means bird in Hebrew and perhaps this is a time to build a relationship with the banyan tree. She probably has lots to teach me about breathing in close spaces.

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